You Can Freeze Evaporated Milk – Here’s How (Easy Guide)

You Can Freeze Evaporated Milk – Here’s How (Easy Guide)

Evaporated milk is a popular ingredient for baked goods, bread, soups, and other dishes. Often, you won’t use the entire can when preparing your meals, and many people want to know if you can freeze evaporated milk? You can successfully freeze evaporated milk for as long as 6 months as long as you store it…

Easy Guide to Freezing Egg Whites (+ Some Great Ways to Use)

Easy Guide to Freezing Egg Whites (+ Some Great Ways to Use)

Eggs are nutritious, delicious, and versatile; you can prepare them in dishes that require whole eggs or yolks or egg whites only. Unfortunately, eggs are also perishable; they can only stay fresh in the fridge for three to five weeks. According to the USDA, you shouldn’t freeze eggs in the shell, but can you freeze…

Freezing Velveeta Cheese (Can You? For How Long?)

Freezing Velveeta Cheese (Can You? For How Long?)

Velveeta is a brand of processed cheese manufactured by the Kraft Heinz company. Renowned for the smooth texture that gives it its name, Velveeta cheese is synonymous with comfort foods such as casseroles and mac and cheese. The question is, is Velveeta cheese safe to freeze?    You can freeze open packages of Velveeta cheese to…